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微软工具合集Microsoft PowerToys v0.88.0 官方版微软工具合集Microsoft PowerToys v0.88.0 官方版
2025-01-29 16:55:22 投稿人:小贝 围观 评论 添加收藏
Microsoft PowerToys是一组实用程序,供高级用户调整和简化windows体验,以提高工作效率。受Windows 95时代PowerToys项目的启发,此重启为高级用户提供了从Windows 10 shell压缩更高效率并针对单个工作流进行自定义的方法。微软官方出了的一款系统增强功能,实测功能非常实用。值得下载。软件亮点在于聚合搜索、文件快速预览、快速调整图片大小、自定义键盘映射、批量重命名、显示快捷键。

微软工具合集Microsoft PowerToys v0.88.0 官方版

#21630 - Actually apply the 'space around zones' toggle deactivation in FancyZones Editor.
#21619 - Add a scrollbar to the additional lines dialog in Hosts File Editor.
#21661 - Allow File Locksmith to recognize processes from the system user when elevated.
#21473 - Instead of deprecating VCM, it's going into legacy mode instead, based on community feedback.
#21462 - Avoid an infinite loop when updating settings in Color Picker.
#21833 - Fix icons in Hosts File Editor.
#21813 - Remove an unused namespace from the GPO admx file so that it can be imported by Intune.
#21732 - Icon and UI fixes for File Locksmith.
#21746 - Fixed an issue causing FancyZones Editor and other ModernWPF applications to render as a white window on VMWare Windows 11 guests.

Windows 10 v1903(内部版本18362)或更好的首选,最低Windows 10 v1803(内部版本17134)。
老版本请安装:.NET Core 3.1

标签:微软   Microsoft   PowerToys



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